Ordering Information


  • Click on the "Add to Cart" button or the product's price
  • To view the contents of your cart, click the "View Cart" button on the navigation bar above
  • When you are ready to checkout (did you visit every department?), click on the "View cart" button at the top right of your screen or select "Go to Payments" if you already are in the shopping cart section of the web site. Select your preferred payment method (please note that if you select the Business or Personal Check options, we will patiently wait for a check before we ship your merchandise). We require a minimum purchase of $200.00 for Purchase Orders Requirements because of the extra time and money involved in checking your credit history and references. Purchase Orders must be faxed along with credit and bank references for approval to: (425) 977-1837. No Purchase Orders will be processed without prior approval of our accounting department. There will be no exceptions.
  • It is important for Credit Card purchases that the name on the card and billing address match. Middle initials must also be included or the credit card company will decline your purchase.
  • Finally, you will be presented with a confirmation number. In addition, if you entered an e-mail address at time of checkout, you will receive an automatic order confirmation. If you need to make any changes to your order, please do not hesitate to call us. We're here to help.

Your transactions are completely secure.

Ultimate Washer Inc. uses the latest security technology - a Digital ID and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. We have our own SSL certificate for security. Our digital ID features today's strongest cryptographic techniques to ensure your information isn't tampered with. With our use of SSL, shoppers are assured that no unauthorized entity has access to their information. The powerful combination of these two technologies protects sensitive information such as an account information and credit card numbers against eavesdroppers.

NOTE: We never rent or sell our customers' data to anyone. All information held is strictly confidential.

Due to our shipping from different warehouses throughout the country, you may receive separate packages.
Free shipping includes shipping to 48 US continental states (not including Alaska and Hawaii).
US Postal Service may not be available when shipping outside the continental U.S.

Forms of Payment

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Although all online transactions are encrypted and secure, if you do not feel comfortable transmitting your credit card number and other information over the internet, call us directly to place your order with one of our customer representatives.
You may also fax a print-out of your shopping cart contents to (561) 741-2125 and we'll charge your card manually. In order to process a faxed order, we will need the credit card number and expiration date along with the correct billing & shipping address, telephone number, and 3 digit security code. (VISA and MasterCard security code is the last 3 digit number located in the back of the card. AMEX security code is a 4 digit number located in the front of the card). Ultimate Washer will assess a 3% convenience fee to use a credit card for orders over $3,000. To avoid this fee, we offer the other payment options shown below as options.


Pre-payment with a personal check or company check is accepted. Mail your order information and check to the address listed below. Once the check has cleared your bank we will ship the order. This process takes 5-7 days after we have received the check before the order can be shipped.

Purchase Order

Purchased orders are accepted from Fortune 500 corporate accounts, schools, hospitals and government agencies, inside continental U.S. no exceptions to this rule. You must complete the following processes:

  1. Fax us (Ultimate Washer, Inc.) a letter on your letterhead formally requesting us to accept your purchase orders.
  2. Fax a copy of the PO detailing the equipment to be purchased to (561) 741-2125.

The terms are standard 30 day net. Please note that an account application may take 3-5 days to complete before the order is shipped out.

If you prefer, you can fill out our credit application form. Any custom order may be subject to a down payment to be determined at the time of order.  Factors we consider when determining this down payment are your company’s payment history, the cost of the item we are customizing, and the length of time needed to complete the project. 

Custom builds will require some advance financial commitment to get the order into production.  We reserve the right to charge 2% per month on unpaid balance after 30 days expires.

PDF Download  Download Credit Application Form (152 KB). Please fax it to 561-741-2125 or e-mail it to sales@ultimatewasher.com


PayPal enables any individual or business with an email address to securely send payments online. You must have a PayPal account and have funds available in the account. If you do not have an account you can set one up in minutes and transfer money from your bank checking account into your PayPal account. The only drawback to this type of payment is that if you are setting up a new account to make a purchase it can take 5-10 days for the money to be transferred from your bank to the PayPal account which slows the whole ordering process. Once the PayPal account is set up and funded you can then use the account to make a purchase in our on-line store with the money in the account. PayPal payments are only accepted on-line.

To open a PayPal account, click on the PayPal logo on the left.


Financing avialable — Get approved in 30 seconds! Go to our leasing / financing option page for details and application.

Purchase Order Requirement

Those customers interested in ordering with a Purchase Order (PO), must first establish an account with Ultimate Washer Inc. This can be achieved by providing the following information:

Your company Dun & Bradstreet Number (D&B) and credit references (at least 3) faxed to (425) 977-1837

A purchase order with a PO Number on your company letterhead, which includes the following:

Today’s Date
Bill to address
Ship to address
Buyer/Contact Name
Buyer/Contact Phone Number
Contact Email Address (for order confirmation/verification)
Accounts Payable Contact Name
Accounts Payable Contact Phone Number
Our Terms are NET 30 with no exception

Our Part Number
Quantity Ordered
Color/Sizes Etc
Our Unit Price

Shipping Method
Your UPS/Fed Ex Account No (if so desired)

* Note: There is a $200 minimum for first time PO’s, unless the company is government funded.

* Note: Government Agencies or Public Schools are not required to provide credit information.

If approved, you will receive an email confirmation with your order.
If denied, someone from Ultimate Washer Inc will contact you. Alternative payment methods are as follows: major credit cards, check or wire transfer.

All purchase orders and credit references can be faxed to: (425) 977-1837. If you have any questions please give us a call at Toll Free (866) 858-4982.