Victor Hayes Pressure Washers Expert


I have been working in the pressure washing industry for 10 years. Over that time I have met with many suppliers and tested out more products than I can count. I have been involved in selecting the products that we place up on our website since the beginning, factoring everything from performance and durability to maintenance and upkeep. Through both the research that I do for the site and my first-hand experience with the products themselves, I have developed quite a knowledge base over the years.

One of the ways I learned so much of these products and their applications is by asking contractors, members of pressure washing groups and associations, and the owners of pressure washer production and manufacturing plants. I have worked hard to amass the knowledge that I have, and I am happy to share it with you. If you have any questions about pressure washing products or tips, or if you simply need help figuring out which product is right for you, please feel free to send me an email.

Victor Approved SealVictor is working hard to share his knowledge with you, but he is not our only expert here at Ultimate Washer. See information from our entire team of experts as well as other material that has been personally reviewed by Victor himself to provide you with the most accurate information.

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