Graffiti Removal
Now down to business. The first thing you will need when looking at pressure washers to consider the pressure rating. To remove most types of graffiti, you will want to have a pressure of 2000-3500 PSI (concrete surfaces). In some cases such as with delicate masonry or brick, you may want to keep it below 500 PSI to be sure not to ruin the surface. As far as temperature of the water for graffiti removal, hot water is the most effective. This is especially the case on metal surfaces as the heat helps expand the metal, which breaks the bond of the graffiti source. The nozzle attached to your pressure washer will also play a role in effective removal. A fan-type nozzle providing a spray fan is also great on graffiti removal. A zero-degree pencil-jet type spray can sometimes damage soft surfaces and should be avoided.
When thinking about chemicals and solvents to use as a paint remover, you should keep in mind that different chemicals will work best on different surfaces. You may want to look at the labels to make sure you are using the recommended chemical for wood, cement, aluminum, etc. You are trying to clean up a mess, not create more damage! You should apply the solution to the surface first, and let it dwell for the proper amount of time, which should be indicated on the bottle or jug. Then, you will carry on with the above advice for proper use of the pressure washer to remove the graffiti. In a matter on minutes, you will have a graffiti-free structure!
Vandals may continue to deface public property but knowing that a pressure washer can easily remove the graffiti should put concerned citizens and public officials at ease that the mess can be cleaned as quickly as it was discovered.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.