Vessel Paint Stripping with Water Blasters
Vessel Paint Stripping with Water Blasters
Vessel paint stripping with pressure washers is not too different from power washing other surfaces. If you plan on doing this while the vessel is docked in a marina or other body of water, check local environmental laws concerning removal of paint chips, dumping chemicals, and other restrictions. If you plan on using chemicals to help with the paint removal process, research ones that are safe for the environment and do not contain Methylene Chloride, Formic Acid, Carbonic Acid, or N-MP (N methyl Pyrolidone).
Regardless of whether you are renting a pressure washing machine or buying one, you will need a washer with at least 40,000psi in order to remove the paint from the vessel. Vessel paint stripping with pressure washers is one of the best ways to remove paint from your vessel because it will remove the paint without hurting the materials behind it. Proper preparation will help this process move along quickly. Depending on the layers of paint that are on the vessel and its size, it may take a few days to remove all of the paint.
Set up tarps around the vessel to catch paint chips as they are removed. Vessel paint stripping with pressure washers should remove most of the paint. If you have sections that are not coming off, you may need to scrape these areas later on. Do not try to increase pressure or go over the area too many times as you may weaken the materials underneath the paint.
Always work in a well ventilated area. Chemicals and paint chips could get into the air and cause breathing problems as you work. When vessel paint stripping with pressure washers, wear protective clothing in order to protect your eyes and lungs. Vessel paint stripping with pressure washers can be dangerous if you are not careful.
Each day, paint chips and other debris will have to be picked up and properly disposed of in order to help protect the environment. Vessel paint stripping with pressure washers will remove the paint in long strips, which should make it easy for you to collect afterwards.
After you have stripped the paint off the vessel, allow it to dry. Vessel paint stripping with pressure washing will help to remove particles, pollutants, and other debris in addition to the paint. Once the vessel has dried, it is now ready to prepped for painting. Depending on how often the vessel is used, it should be painted every five to ten years in order to remain in compliance with environmental laws.
If you do not want to perform vessel paint stripping with pressure washing yourself, there are many companies that have the equipment and materials needed to perform a professional pressure washing of the vessel.
The publisher of these pages is in no way responsible for any damage caused to you, your pressure washer, anyone else, your property, or anyone else's property by trying to implement or by successfully implementing the above-mentioned performance and services.