Step Out of the Fog and into Mist Cooling Systems
The beauty of mist cooling systems is the efficiency of which they can cool large outdoor spaces using a process called flash evaporative mist technology. This technology uses a combination of water, pumps and large fans to generate a fine mist that can lower the ambient temperature up to 35 degrees. A fine mist is sprayed directly in front of the fan which then projects the mist outward. The mist is so fine that it immediately evaporates which lowers the air temperature without getting people wet.
One type of mist cooling system that is popular for residential and small commercial applications does not require pumps. Instead, these systems are fed directly from an outdoor hose bib and common garden hose. The pressure from the garden hose is sufficient to cool smaller areas such as patios and decks. These systems operate on your basic 110V power supply and are easily transported thanks to their relatively light weight. The 24” to 30” fans can be adjusted in a variety of angles and also oscillate to ensure the fully cover the areas they’re intended for.
There are also mist cooling systems that are capable of cooling large areas for sporting events or amusement parks or any other large outdoor area. These outdoor misting fans feature 1000 psi rated pumps to help reach larger outdoor areas. Mist cooling systems such as these can achieve air flow rates of up to 6000 cfm, a substantial number given the overall size of these units. Most systems come equipped with water filtrations systems to purify the water that is passed through the fan blades.
Each mist cooling system uses up to eight nozzles that feed stainless steel fan blades that can stand up to years of use. Other common features between the two systems are the ease in which they can be transported using oversized pneumatic tires. Larger systems also feature the capabilities of adding satellite fans to expand your overall system. One of the great advantages of this technique is that you can lower you’re operating costs by only having to power one pump. These fans can be interconnected to form a network to cover larger events and gatherings. Their low noise signature means you’ll get optimum cooling without the annoying and overpowering sound of numerous fan blades in motion.
The great thing about a mist cooling system is that they can be used to cool outdoor areas that traditional air conditioners just can’t cool. They also require very little effort or cost to operate thanks to the use of standard electrical power. The right system will allow you to comfortably cool large outdoor areas efficiently, something you and your guests will most certainly appreciate.
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