Air Compressors
Car Wash
Chemical Sprayers
Electric Converters
Fire Sprinkler Maintenance Systems
Floor Machines
Forklift Trucks
Hydrostatic Line Testers
Industrial Curtains
Parts Washers
Pressure Washers
Sewer Jetting
Soft Wash Systems
Specialty Pumps
Steam Generators
Water Blasters
Water Pumps
Water Recovery & Filtration
Winter Products
This Premium Turbo Nozzle features a spring loaded pin to seal the end of the nozzle keeping out sand and mud that causes competitors' nozzles to fail. This feature also allows you to engage the turbo nozzle in any direction without the risk of damaging the internal ceramic pin or seat. As with all turbo nozzles, the RotoJet has a laser nozzle that spins at an incredible rate increasing your cleaning area from zero degrees to 26°.
Phone: (866) 858-4982
Business Hours: M-F: 9am - 5:30pm EST
Address: 6701 Garden Rd Unit #3, Riviera Beach, FL 33404